Thursday, October 16, 2008

You are my sunshine!

Fun in the backyard

Brooks and I had so much fun playing croquet in the backyard! I had him name the colors of all the balls and he lined them up as he did it, he is a little OCD when it comes to playing with his toys or anything really! Everything has to be perfectly aligned. I think he gets it from my Mom and a little from me I guess :) it's just funny to see that part of his personality at such a young age, I love it!
Once he got bored of that we had a one sided grass fight! I lost obviously :)

Then we headed over to the swing set his Grandma Shell and Papa Tracy got him for his birthday. He had a riot climbing up the ladder and going down the slide a billion times! Until it was time to go in, the last picture tells you his reaction :(

The Circus Grandma Trice took us to the Circus! Brooks loved the elephants and the tigers, I was amazed at how well it all kept his attention! I took some really cute pics of them together. He left with a sugar high from his $12 bag of cotton candy!

YPuppy LoveY

Autumn, Sarah and I took Brooks and Jaycee to Wheeler farm, they were so cute. Brooks had a hard time sharing his meow meow with her but he was a good sport and I don't think Jaycee put it down for more than five minutes the whole time :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Miss you Daddy!

In Loving Memory
Kori Lynn Beckstead
01/24/61 - 10/10/96

12 years ago today I lost my hero! It's crazy to me that it has been that long. I can remember it like it was yesterday, walking up the steps to my grandmothers house I could hear the sobs, I knew what they were going to tell me but I did not want to believe it! He couldn't be gone he was supposed to be invincible, but even superman has his cryptonite. He will always be in my heart and live in my memories of the time I got to share with him and how I thought he hung the moon! And I still do!! I will always miss him. Love you Daddy and know that I think of you every day :)

Whinny the Rocking Horse

Brooks has a rocking horse names Winchester he calls him Whinny for short. We are changing his room from baby farm animals to big boy buckaroo so I took some pics of him with his horse to put up in his new room! I'll have to post pics of the room when we get it all put together :)

The Elk Hunt

The 1st weekend in October every year, we head up to Clyde Creek for the Elk hunt. It's been a Draper family tradition since before Brandon was born. They look forward to it all year long! This was our 2nd year to go as a family. It was a bit cold but it was beautiful! It only rained opening day and the rest of the week it was gorgeous! Brooks had a blast playing with Abby (the Draper family dog) and riding the horses and the 4 wheelers. It is so much fun to watch him play and the funny things that he says! Sometimes I look at him and my heart hurts because I love him so much :) No one in our camp had any luck getting any elk, thank heavens for me ( I would have been traumatized for life) but they were all pretty bummed about it. Daddy helped Brooks carve his name in a tree, he thought that was pretty cool! It was a nice week of family fun

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another sun soaked season fades away

This summer we had a lot of fun! Brooks and some of his friends went to the Riverton Fair, I was really excited to watch him ride the baby roller coasters and see how much he enjoyed it but the 1st ride he got on wasn't quite as slow as we had anticipated, as soon as it started he jolted forward and popped his lip open on the seat in front of him :( I felt horrible because he was a little frightened to begin with, but we got him a snow cone and he forgot all about it!

The 4th of July

For the 4th of July we always go to the Riverton parade, this year was the 1st year that Brooks could really enjoy it, he loved seeing the floats. His favorite part was filling his bucket full of candy! It was a very hot day and Brooks appointed himself the job of cooling everyone off with the squirt bottle, he thought it was hilarious! When it was time for the fireworks he loved the big booms!

Water Fun
This kid absolutely loves playing in the water, his cousins Elliott and Alastair have a little pool that they fill up and play in it, the only thing they fight over is who gets the hose! We busted out the slip n' slide and had lots of fun sliding on it with his Daddy!

Yuba Lake

We went to Yuba lake for my birthday this year. I love it there because it reminds me of when I was little our family used to go up there every year and I wanted to share that experience with my family. It was Brooks' 1st time camping so it was fun for all of us!

Radio Flyer

Brooks adores his red wagon throughout the summer we've taken it on many walks! I figured I would share some of my favorite photo's of him and his wagon :)

Lake Powell

Brooks and I ended the summer with a trip to Lake Powell for Autumn's birthday we had a ton of fun and enjoyed every minute of soaking up the sun before the cold comes! Brooks had a lot of fun playing with his friend Jaycee, they took turns beating each other up :)