Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Dinosaur Museum

Brooks went to the dinosaur museum with his Grandma Trice, Pappa Terry, GG, his Aunt Stephanie and his cousins Alison, Natalie, Austin & JD. They had lots of fun and took this funny picture I love how Brooks is running away in fear :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Brooks and Daddy made Santa some cookies on Christmas Eve, and Brooks was very excited Christmas morning when half of them had been eaten :) We spent the day visiting family and opening gifts! It was definitely a very White Christmas this year!

Baby it's cold outside!

Brooks absolutely loved playing in the snow, he attempted at a snow angel and threw a few snow balls :) He wanted to make a snowman but I didn't have any gloves so I told him we would have to do it another time. So I guess I need to invest in some gloves