Thursday, May 28, 2009

Taylor Swift

As many of you may know, Brooks has a little bit of a crush on Taylor Swift! He knows all of the words to her songs and he sings and dances along with her :) So when I heard she was coming to town I couldn't resist. He was so excited to go see her and Kellie Pickler, but when we got there we found out that Kellie was ill and would not be performing. Instead the band Gloriana came on and Brooks looked at me and asked "Where's Kellie Pickler?" Needless to say he was a little disappointed. It was so fun to watch Brooks at the concert and look through the binoculars to get a better look at Taylor! She put on a good show! She's a little bit of a spaz and awkward but it's cute :) At the end she performed her song "Should've said NO" and had the rain drench her, Brooks thought that was pretty cool! It may have been a little crazy to take a 2yr old to a concert but he really enjoyed it!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A sticky situation

In the car Brooks asked for some gum. I should know better by now, seeing as how he's stuck his gum everywhere including up his nose and in the DVD player. But I keep thinking oh he'll keep it in his mouth this time! And he just loves gum so much :) Well we're driving along and I hear him whining a little and I look back to ask him what was wrong and he said " I stuck my gum in my hair, and now it won't come out!" I burst out laughing!! I couldn't help it, it was just too funny! Luckily Daddy had some peanut butter and we got the gum out fairly easily!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What I love about Sunday's!

Sunday's are usually pretty good days! We relax and spend time with Family! My Grandma always has Sunday dinner and Brooks looks forward to it! Especially since it has gotten warm out! We had a good time blowing bubbles and playing in the yard! Brooks and his cousin JD enjoyed drawing some pictures with the sidewalk chalk and smearing it all over the place. Brooks had just as much fun washing the pictures off the sidewalk as he did coloring them! Then we took a walk with GG and Brooks helped her water all of her flowers and chased her with the hose! It was a beautiful day! I wish we had more days like these :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

For Mothers Day, I took my Mom out to a yummy breakfast and then we decided to go to the mall. So we piled in the car and while driving there we hear Brooks from the back seat singing "5, 5 dollar, 5 dollar foot long" :) It was cute. Apparently that song gets stuck in even 2 yr old's heads. We hadn't planned on going to the mall so we didn't have a stroller, which is not the best idea with a small child! They don't know the meaning of- stay right by me! He was running all over the place and my Mom was worn out just watching him. So I tried to carry him as much as I could but he gets pretty heavy after a while and I was in heels! As we were leaving one of the stores Brooks was pretty far ahead of us so I told him to slow down and wait. He turned around to look at me and said "Whoa that's a big lady...She's got big boobs!!" I was mortified! I didn't dare look back! As we were getting ready to leave I asked if he needed to go potty knowing as soon as we got in the car he would need to. As usual there was a line in the bathroom, so we waited our turn. As soon as we got into the stall Brooks said "It's pretty stinky in here!" loud enough that it echoed. I couldn't really smell it until I got down to help him and it was pretty stinky! HAHA It was sick I felt bad that he had to be that close to the stench while he peed! It's funny how kids just don't have a filter and they say whatever they are thinking.. and say it loudly :) After the mall we went to visit our grandmas and I had the sun roof open since it was such a nice day we stopped at a light and I could smell BBQ it smelled delicious! Brooks smelled it too he said "It smells like Bacon right here Mommy" :) After we got to grandmas, she told Brooks, "those are some nice shoes you got there.. are they new?" He answered with his hand on his hip "They're not shoes..they're flip flops!" Like Duh grandma..What an attitude ! It was great to get to spend quality time with My Momma, grandma's and My baby!! I loved it!

I just want to say how much I appreciate my Mother and everything that she has done for me! She is such an amazing woman and has always been there for me! She has made many sacrifices for her children and you never really know how much your mother loves you until you become a mom yourself! She has always been on my side, even when I have been wrong and I know that I can count on her to always be there! Becoming a mother is the absolute best blessing I have ever received! I never knew I could feel so much love and worry and frustration! He has taught me a lot about patience and kindness! To see the world through his eyes is so amazing, how much wonder his little heart holds! So here's to all the great Mom's I know!! You are all amazing and beautiful, and you are doing a great job! I know we all worry about effing up our kids :) But there is no week by week how to raise your child and even if there was I don't think we would follow it! Life is messy but as long as they know they have someone that loves them unconditionally and wants what's best for them they somehow turn out alright. Love you!!