Thursday, October 2, 2008

Getting started

I am not the best at keeping everyone updated on what's going on in our lives so I decided to start this blog so everyone that would like to, can check in on us. Especially our little boy who grows up so much every day! I can not even keep up with him, he has so much energy and it amazes me how quickly he is learning! He is in that stage where he wants to do everything himself, which is good I am glad he is trying to be independent, but when you are in a hurry this can be quite frustrating! He knows all of his colors very well, he can count to ten (if you cut out 56&7 :) we're working on that!) He also knows quite a few letters in the alphabet and can almost spell his name! Yeah if ya can't tell we're pretty proud of him :)

1 comment:

  1. Brooks is so cute and so smart (has the cutest eyes ever)! I seriously can't believe how fast time is going by. It seems like not that long ago you were calling me to tell me you were pregnant!...
