Thursday, December 4, 2008

No snow

Well it's December and there's still no snow, but who's complaining? Not me! Brooks had fun playing in the leaves and climbing the neighbors tree :)


  1. the picture of Brooks in the tree makes him look so big, like he all grown up. I can't believe how fast that kid has grown up... I swear it wasn't that long ago that you called to tell me you were prego!

  2. Shailynn, you have no idea! your pics are so beautiful! i love looking at them! you do such a great job! will you tell me your prices? I really want you to take pics for me! it is so expensive out here to get any pics taken! so i either want to come home and get some done or fly you out here, or something!

  3. Cute pics as always! I miss you girl. We NEED to hand out soon.
