Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thankful for you!

This Thanksgiving we went to the park where Brooks watched his Daddy play a little flag football and we played on the playground, it was a very pretty day!
We spent the Afternoon at the In-laws and ate a scrumptious meal! Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite, I stuffed myself silly. We spent the rest of the night playing games with the family, it was fun.

As I think of all the things that I am thankful for I can not begin to thank God enough for Brooks! He is my life :) I don't know where I would be without him. I am thankful for Brandon and the great Dad that he is, I am so thankful for my Mom she is amazing! I am thankful for my brother and all of my beautiful friends (you know who you are) I truly am so blessed!


  1. I am so thankful for you too Shai... I don't know what I would do without you sometimes. We have shared so many memories and I know that there is only more to be created! I love you girl and I am so thankful to have you as my bestie!!

    FOG! =)

  2. p.s. I love the vest Brooks is wearing...
