Monday, April 13, 2009

Don't die the eggs!!

Brooks and some of his friends and cousins got together at the park to dye some eggs, it was lots of fun and there were many colorful beautiful masterpieces made :) When Brooks was asked if he wanted to dye eggs, he got really sad and said No don't die the eggs! After a little explaining that dying them did not mean that we were killing them, he has fun coloring the eggs.

We had a couple of egg hunts this year, Brooks got a whole lot of goodies! And he enjoyed a rabbit cake at the end of the day :)


  1. He is getting so big! What a cutie:)

  2. I laughed at the group picture because Danny looks so cute in his hat! :) hahaha....

    Brooks looks like he loved that huge rabbit cake!!

  3. Looks like you had a fun Easter. Brooks is growing up so much.

  4. That is so cute!!! I wish we could have made it!!
