Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Preparing for a sister

My lovely Aunt DeAnn helps me with Brooks every so often and he LOVES going over there and playing with his cousins. Normally he's playing superhero's or trains or cars or whatever with the boys but this time he was all about his cousin Rowan :) DeAnn said they followed each other around the whole day like little shadows. She snapped a couple pictures with her phone of Brooks doing her hair an her dolly's hair haha! She also over heard him telling Rowan that make-up is not for babies, it's for Mommy's and big boys. lol And that he snuck into his mommy's room and put on some of my lipstick the other day! It's true too haha he came in with lip gloss all over his mouth .What a funny kid, I thought it was cute and wanted to share :)

1 comment:

  1. He is such a crack up... I just love him and think that he will be the best big brother!!! I love this!
