Monday, February 21, 2011

4 Months

Paisy B is getting big so fast! She’s enjoying spending more time on her tummy since she can hold herself up for longer periods of time now. She’s getting better at grabbing for objects and holding on to them! She loves the TV and her baby Einstein movies and she really enjoys her nightly massage from her Momma. I love to rub her chubby little legs and feet! She has the chubbiest little knees ha and man does she have some thighs! I love it. She tried a little bit of rice cereal and she liked it. She did really good eating it, didn’t spit it back out at me or anything! She likes sitting in her bumbo but her legs always get stuck because they’re so chubby. She loves anything that she can grab on to easily and chew on, mainly her teething rings! She’s already kind of picky and prefers my milk over her formula any day! When I first went back to work she refused to take the formula but she’s gotten somewhat used to it now. I’m pumping but it’s such a pain in the butt that I usually only get like 8oz to take to the sitters, so she has both.

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