Thursday, December 18, 2008


5 Things I was doing 10 years ago...
1.) Going to Jr. High
2.) Cheering on the Cheer team ha
3.) Crushing on Austin Defa
4.) Having fun with my brother
5.) Being awkward

5 Things on my "To-Do" list today...
1.) Finish Christmas shopping
2.) Clean the house
3.) Make dinner
4.) Play with Brooks
5.) Relax

5 Snack I enjoy...
1.) Hot Cheetos!
2.) Cottage cheese
3.) Dr.Pepper
4.) Edemame
5.) Potato chips of any kind!

5 Things I'd do if I were a millionaire
1.) Buy a new house & car
2.) Buy my Momma a new house (she just got a new car)
3.) Take a lot of vacations to fun places
4.) save
5.) Help people who need it

5 places I've lived...
1.) A duplex
2.) My grandma's
3.) My Mom's
4.) K-town
5.) My own cute little house

5 Jobs I've had...
1.) Call center
2.) Teller/Loan officer
3.) Assistant Manager
4.) Photographer
5.) Mom

5 People I tag...
1.) Victoria
2.) Sarah
3.) Kristen
4.) Kristin
5.) Tonya

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Must be Christmas

So it's that time of year again! It's our 1st Christmas in our house decorating it was lots of fun :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

No snow

Well it's December and there's still no snow, but who's complaining? Not me! Brooks had fun playing in the leaves and climbing the neighbors tree :)

The Tractor

Brooks' Grandparents got him this tractor, I thought it would be cute to do some pics with it

Time with the Fam

This weekend we took a trip down south, it was good to spend time with my Mom, Terry and my Grandparents. It was an unfortunate trip for Terry's Dad's passing, his funeral was on Tuesday.
I am very sympathetic for him I know how hard it is to lose a loved one, no matter how old you are. I hope he knows how much we love him
My grandma taught Brooks how to play Slap Jack, he did pretty good!

We also got to have lunch with Amy, it was very nice to see her and be able to catch up. She is always so helpful to me and I hope she knows how much I love and appreciate her.

Potty Time

Brooks has been doing great at using the potty! It was so funny, he needed to go number 2 and it was the 1st time in the potty and he kept getting up to look at it and he was so excited and he told me look Momma I made a circle! He indeed had I couldn't help but laugh. I wish you could see him do the potty dance after every time he uses the toilet we sing pee pee in the potty and he dances :)

Thankful for you!

This Thanksgiving we went to the park where Brooks watched his Daddy play a little flag football and we played on the playground, it was a very pretty day!
We spent the Afternoon at the In-laws and ate a scrumptious meal! Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite, I stuffed myself silly. We spent the rest of the night playing games with the family, it was fun.

As I think of all the things that I am thankful for I can not begin to thank God enough for Brooks! He is my life :) I don't know where I would be without him. I am thankful for Brandon and the great Dad that he is, I am so thankful for my Mom she is amazing! I am thankful for my brother and all of my beautiful friends (you know who you are) I truly am so blessed!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No more space!

I have so many new pictures to put up from! BUT our laptop has no more memory on the hard drive, this must tell you how many pictures I take :) I am getting a new laptop that's just for me tonight so I will be posting them soon! I know you can't wait