It seems like we're only just settling in to having 2 little ones around! Now we are having to get used to the thought of having THREE!! We knew we wanted another baby, we just didn't think it would be so soon! But as we all know, life never goes the way we "plan". So we are excited to make the announcement :) We are once again expecting another little person to join our not so little anymore family! Our new addition is expected to make a debut around January 29, 2012. I called to schedule an appt with my OB and to my surprise my Dr. has retired! I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, but he's been my OB since I was 16, and has delivered both of my kids so I was a little nervous about what to do! Finding a new OB is kind of a big deal, at least to me. (if you' ve ever seen knocked up, I believe I'm not the only one who thinks it's a big deal ;)) So I got some referrals from my friends and family and I think I've found a really great Dr. I've yet to meet her but I've heard a lot of great things :) After a little stressing and a bit of freaking out we are getting excited about welcoming a new baby and we can't wait to me them. As with the 1st 2 I'm exhausted and moody! I haven't had any specific cravings really, just everything I see; I want to eat and I'm hungry all the time! I cannot go near the meat department at the store without fear of vomiting and certain textures and other smells make me dry heave ha! But other than a little discomfort and sensitivity to nasty things my morning sickness hasn't been too awful. I have lost my mind again as prego brain has taken over, I can't find the word or anything for that matter. I just feel dumb :) at least I have an exuse I guess :) Really I can't believe I'm doing this again already :) since this is probably the last one for us, it's a little bittersweet that it came so soon.
When I found out I wanted to think of a cute way to tell Brandon, I got some take out from Panda Express and replaced the fortune in his cookie with a fortune that said "you will soon be the Daddy of three!" He was pretty shrouded. We waited until Fathers Day to tell our families. I put Paisley in a shirt that had said little sister but changed it to say middle sister, and put on their gifts that it was from Brooks, Paisley and Baby. It took them a but to catch on but when they did They were all VERY shocked and excited ;)
A picture is worth 1000 word s
Between running a family of five, a photography business, and a part time job; there is not much time left to sit down and write about all the happenings of our adventures. So I will let the pictures do the talking ...Enjoy!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Up above it all
part of my anniversary surprise had been rescheduled due to the rain. So this weekend once again we headed off to Park City. We had to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to be there by 6:30. I don't know about you but I'm accustomed to sleeping in until about 9 on the weekends, so I was a little groggy at first. As we pulled off the exit to Park City I saw a van pulling a hot air ballon basket and thought "how neat!" We stopped for a quick bite to eat and headed farther into the depths of Park City. We pulled into a hotel parking lot and there was the Hot air balloon van! That was my surprise ;) I have always wanted to go in one! I was so excited :) they said it was pretty windy over the mountains in park city so we headed out to Heber where there was more open space. We pulled into this little airport and everyone started piling out. There were about six vans full of people, all the crews got out and started assembling the balloons. They were all so close to each other I wondered if that was going to cause issues but none of the crew seemed to care. They all tipped their baskets on their sides and pulled the balloons out and unrolled them like giant sleeping bags. They had these huge fans to open the balloons up, Brandon and another gentleman helped hold it open while the crew assembled the top of the balloon.( I don't know all the balloon piece names so pardon me) when it was mostly open they tipped the basket right side up and the pilot hopped in. He asked us to hold on so he didn't fly away. All the passengers climbed into the basket and up up and away we went! It happened so quickly it was frightening! Our balloon was the first up in the air, it was so amazing yet so scary! We were climbing higher and there is no way to steer it; there was nothing to strap you in or keep you from falling out!! Then as all the other balloons began to ascend the pilot mentioned letting him know if one of them comes up underneath us! I was like freak! We're going to die! But we soared safely through the sky over the valley and my nerves were calmed. Until it was time to land! The pilot said he was going to shoot for this open field and we got closer and closer to the ground. He told us to brace ourselves and fearing the worst I white knuckled what I could hold onto. We landed without a bump, everyone climbed out as they sprayed cold must into the balloon, it deflated and we had a cheers with champagne and orange juice :) it was a wonderful experience and a sweet surprise! Thanks babe!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Happy Anniversary
Every year we switch off planning for our anniversary. This year it was Brandon's turn. He kept everything a complete surprise. I was excited to finally find out what we'd be doing. He told me to pack an overnight bag and we dropped the kids off at his moms to sleepover. Brooks was a bit upset that he couldn't come. We jumped in the car and were on our way. He even blind folded me :) it was kinda fun not knowing where we were going. I took a little nap and woke up when the car stopped. We were at the stillwater at Jordanelle reservoir. We were actually camping at jordanelle when Brandon asked me to be his girlfriend :) so it was really sweet! After we checked in we headed out to dinner at park city. Then we were going to see a movie but Brandon had put the wine in the freezer so we headed back to the hotel to get it out before it froze. It had been snowing since dinner and on the way back it was like a blizzard! It was extremely scary driving through the pitch black canyon in a blizzard. We couldn't see anything but the snow coming at us. We actually had to turn off the lights to be able to see the road. After what seemed like the longest drive, we decided to stay in and just enjoy eachothers company. In the morning we went shopping at the Tanger outlets and with it being memorial day weekend there were some great sales! We spent a small fortune on clothes, mostly on the kids. It's frightening how easy it is to justify over spending when it's for your kids ;) Brandon had another surprise planned for us but was rescheduled due to the weather. It was a great weekend and a fantastic anniversary! Thanks to my Hubby, my partner in crime and my best friend for the hardest most rewarding 4 years of my life! -Happy Anniversary XOXO
I have to tell you, when we got home on Sunday we went to diner at my Grandmas like we do every week . I told you hire brooks was upset that he couldn't come with us to our anniversary date. Well he told everyone at dinner "it's my parents anniversary! They went to a hotel...and they stayed there the WHOLE NIGHT!!" Ha It wouldn't have been as embarrassing if my great aunt and uncle didn't happen to be there ( we see them about once every other year lol)
Just thought I'd share another great Brooksism
I have to tell you, when we got home on Sunday we went to diner at my Grandmas like we do every week . I told you hire brooks was upset that he couldn't come with us to our anniversary date. Well he told everyone at dinner "it's my parents anniversary! They went to a hotel...and they stayed there the WHOLE NIGHT!!" Ha It wouldn't have been as embarrassing if my great aunt and uncle didn't happen to be there ( we see them about once every other year lol)
Just thought I'd share another great Brooksism
Preschool Graduation
Brooks has loved his experience with Miss Denise's preschool! In addition to all the knowledge he obtained and fun he had doing crafts; he made some great friends and memories! He met his first crush and his first (not related) best friend. While he is excited about starting kindergarten and taking that big leap into big boy hood, he is very sentimental and is heartbroken about having to say goodbye to all his friends and his absolute favorite teacher! That's ok she's been his only teacher :) He has learned a lot this year, he has began reading and though he still struggles with some of the words he does amazingly! We are so very proud of him! A big thank you to everyone who helped with picking Brooks up from school! I know at times it was difficult for his grandma and Maranda was such a life saver! Brooks thanks you too he had a great time with Madden! At their Graduation ceremony they sang the cutest songs about what they had learned and they all got a balloon with a little gift and a certificate of completion. On Brooks certificate he said his favorite color is "rainbow" or in other words every color, he can't choose a favorite. When he grows up, he wants to be a firefighter. I know this is only preschool graduation, I know the day will come all to soon when he graduates high school and then college and although I anxiously await those bittersweet days, I want my Brooksy to know how proud I am of him today!
I want you to know that I think the world of you! You are an amazing person, you have such a sweet spirit and have always been so thoughtful and kind! You will continue to be great at whatever you choose to do with your life and I believe in you to make good decisions no matter how simple or difficult they may be. I know that your future is bright and I am proud to be your Mommy! You have so much talent and zest for life! Dream big and follow your dreams! No matter how big you get you will always be my baby! You make me happy and can always make me smile! Remember you promised you would always hold my hand :) I'm going to hold you to that! Don't ever change, you are perfect just the way you are! I love you!
Your Mommy
I want you to know that I think the world of you! You are an amazing person, you have such a sweet spirit and have always been so thoughtful and kind! You will continue to be great at whatever you choose to do with your life and I believe in you to make good decisions no matter how simple or difficult they may be. I know that your future is bright and I am proud to be your Mommy! You have so much talent and zest for life! Dream big and follow your dreams! No matter how big you get you will always be my baby! You make me happy and can always make me smile! Remember you promised you would always hold my hand :) I'm going to hold you to that! Don't ever change, you are perfect just the way you are! I love you!
Your Mommy
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