Between running a family of five, a photography business, and a part time job; there is not much time left to sit down and write about all the happenings of our adventures. So I will let the pictures do the talking ...Enjoy!
Friday, May 13, 2011
This year we had our annual Egg Dying Party, it was lots of fun and the kids had fun playing in the yard after we colored eggs! It was a beautiful day which was nice for a change with how cold it has been. Easter was little sad without Grandpa there. But the kids had loads of fun hunting for the eggs as usual! It was Paisley's last 1st Holiday! Being her 1st Easter, she caught on very quickly! She loved carrying around her little basket and being in her pretty dress! Brooks found lots of eggs and overloaded on candy as always. It was great to see everyone and get to spend some time with our family!
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