A picture is worth 1000 word s

Between running a family of five, a photography business, and a part time job; there is not much time left to sit down and write about all the happenings of our adventures. So I will let the pictures do the talking ...Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just another day in Paradise

Brooks and I have been spending a lot of time at the pool lately! He loves it, he needs to take swimming lessons because he has NO fear in the water! At the pool they have a giant bucket that fills up with water and then dumps on everyone. We stood under it once and he looked at me and said "Mommy, can we never do that again!" Apparently he didn't like it haha ;) But he loves the slide and all the other fun things there are to play with! He was mad at me because I made him take a picture before he could get in the water!

1 comment:

Joe and Victoria said...

he is seriously so cute! I want to go swimming :( but there is NO WAY I am getting in a swimming suit looking and feeling like a WHALE!!