Between running a family of five, a photography business, and a part time job; there is not much time left to sit down and write about all the happenings of our adventures. So I will let the pictures do the talking ...Enjoy!
I made my other aunt a car seat canopy also, but this one was for a girl :) I like how it turned out it's really pretty material! and I finally finished Paisley's car seat cover. I was holding out for a certain material in pink but I found it in green and decided to just go with that. all our baby stuff is green anyhow ha. But I decided since I had made the cover for her car seat I didn't want to hide it with another canopy that laid over it, so I sewed buttons onto the front and just added a flap to it to cover her. I like it a lot, it's nice to have keeps the wind germs and sun off of her when I want it on and I can take it off if I need to. I know I am not good enough to sell these yet but when I get good enough I kind of want to look into etsy and custom make them for people. I think it would be fun, I enjoy sewing and the satisfaction of having a finished product that you're proud of!
So I've always wanted to learn how to sew. My grandmother is an incredible seamstress, she is AMAZING! She made dresses for us when we were little and she makes dolls, and she makes all of the dolls clothes. She made me a bride doll for my wedding and the dress matches mine exactly with all the beading and everything. She really is so good! Well I got a sewing machine from my beautiful aunt and my best friend showed me how to use it so I decided I would just dive in and give it a shot and if I needed I could call grandma for help :) So I made some car seat covers. My aunt just had a baby so I made her one that matched her car seat and I picked out some other material that I thought would be cute for my friends baby. I just looked at the cover that I have and kind of made my own pattern from that. So here is how they turned out. Not perfect but I'm pretty proud of them I hope they like them!
Brandon's Granada; Daniel Kravet turned 90 this year. My mother in law had planned him the most extravagant birthday party. It was to be a Hollywood themed black tie event. Sadly the morning of his big party he passed on. He was found in his tuxedo ready for his big day, I guess he had a different party to attend that day. This was a little difficult for everyone, we all wished we had just gotten to spend that one more day celebrating his birthday. Fortunately he had family in town for the party and they had gotten to visit with him the day before! Brooks was named after his grandpa Vet (his middle name is Daniel) and he had a lot of fun with him! Brooks knows about heaven seeing as his grandpa and aunt are there, but this was the 1st time that he could really understand that going to heaven meant they were once here but now they're gone and we won't see them again until we too go to heaven. It's hard for a little one to grasp, he thought we could go visit him. I asked him how he thought we could do that and he said we could take the stairs in the sky :( At the funeral Brandon gave a beautiful talk about his grandpa. He was an Air Force Veteran so he had a 21 gun salute, it was very touching. Goodbye Grandpa Vet We will miss you!
I love the 4th of July! It's been my favorite holiday ever since I was a little girl, I remember going to the fireworks with my family and sitting with my Daddy it seemed like they took up the whole sky and the sound of the booms and the smell of them. And going to the rodeos and BBQ's it all just makes me smile. I would like to say THANK YOU to all our soldiers who've fought to get us here and continue to fight to keep us free! With out their sacrifices we could not enjoy the things we do! so thank you. This year Mom and I took Brooks and Paisley to Cowabunga, it was a lot of fun. Brooks had been looking forward to this FOREVER, so it was fun to finally take him. He loved it and so did Paisley. I took her in the wading pool and she just smiled and kicked her little legs it was pretty cute! Brooks was playing with this little Hispanic girl and he came up to my Mom and said "I have a friend of a different color" My Mom said yeah and that's ok :) Then Brooks says "Yeah, she has a yellow bracelet and I have orange" Ha Mom totally thought he was talking about the color of her skin, but you have a colored wristband that shows how long you can be there since we only paid for 4 hours of play. It was just so cute. Then we went to the parade and Brooks made off with a big bucket full of candy. Paisley slept through the whole parade, sirens and all. We went up to the Brighton breakfast the next day, it was a lot of fun they had a little parade and lots of good candy. The breakfast was really yummy and we took a mini hike, it was so beautiful up there! Later that night we hit up the carnival, Brooks had tons of fun on the rides. He rode just about every ride he could. There was one ride that we went on together because it was a bigger kid ride, it gave you a lot of butterflies! Every time it went around Brooks would say ouch ouch ha I'm not sure he'd felt that. But then he wanted to go on it again and said I won't say ouch this time :) So he liked it. We had a little picnic in our backyard and did some little fireworks at home before heading over to the big fireworks show. They were really good they're definitely not the same as when I was little, they didn't seem to have the same kind of magic until I looked at Brooks and saw that same awe in his eyes. It was a good weekend and I loved spending it with my babies!
Brooks, Paisley and I took a trip to the Zoo & met up with an old friend of mine and her little family. It was fun but super hot and pushing the stroller up the many exhausting hills while feeding Paisley a bottle and trying to keep track of Brooks was a little overwhelming! But I got in some good exercise and some quality time with my kids, so even though I sweat my butt off and stressed a little... or a lot, it was a good time!