A picture is worth 1000 word s

Between running a family of five, a photography business, and a part time job; there is not much time left to sit down and write about all the happenings of our adventures. So I will let the pictures do the talking ...Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today is my big sister's birthday! She would be 29 years old today! That is so CRAZY to me seeing as how I can't see her past the age of 16. I always wonder who she would be today, she was so smart, driven and witty :) I hope she knows how much I love and miss her and that I think about her all the time!! Happy birthday sissy!!

Melynda Beckstead

03/10/1981 - 04/07/1997

1 comment:

Whodatis? said...

I attended school with Melynda and remember that time so well. It was horrible and I cant imagine what you went through and continue to go through losing her. She was always so nice and accepting of people. She is missed.
May I ask if you ever found out exactly how the accident happened? I have been haunted by it for years and have even had dreams about it. I would like some closure if you have it. If you are not comfortable telling me, I understand. Once again, I am so sorry for your loss even now.